Kombinētās intensīvās programmas (BIP) studentiem
Kombinētās intensīvās programmas BIP mobilitātēm mobilitāšu pieteikšanās īstenojama visa studiju gada ietvaros, studentiem piesakoties uz zemāk publicētajiem BIP piedāvājumiem. Apstiprinātajiem studentiem tiek piešķirta Erasmus+ stipendija.
Informācija par mobilitāšu norises kārtību pieejama Erasmus+ programmu stipendiju konkursa nolikumā.
ERASMUS+ BIP for students
Title of course: "RADIANT" Tradition in Culinary Innovation: from Minor to Major (2nd edition)
The BIP is being organized in collaboration with Ghent University (Belgium) and Universidade de Vigo (Spain) and will have virtual sessions between February 10 and 21 and an on-site week that will take place at the University of Porto (Portugal) from the 24th to the 28th of February 2025.
ECTS: Three (3)
Level: MA
Contact hours: 28
Application deadline: 19.12.2024
Grant: ERASMUS+ grant around 870 EUR. Ask more to Home University International Coordinator
How to apply:
Send motivation letter and porfolio to alise.rudevica(abols)lma.lv. Title of email "application to BIP "RADIANT" Tradition in Culinary Innovation: from Minor to Major"
Course description