

From this year’s August 15th to October 12th, the exhibition "The Noisy Case in a Misguiding Direction" by artists Kristīne Daukšte and Liene Rumpe will be on view at the Experimental Art space of Art Academy of Latvia “Pilot”.

Long before the seeds of language and the arrow of time existed, there was a primordial beginning without memory. Time in it was reversible; there were neither floods nor droughts, and beings would regrow and be reborn backward, never experiencing death. The beginning was washed up by a sea so white that its waves could not be seen, while the air was filled with a ceaseless roar. From this primordial noise emerged the Ancestor.

"The Noisy Case in a Misguiding Direction" brings to life the concepts of chaos and order, perception and awareness, and other imaginative constructs in space. The exhibition focuses on the mysterious journey of the Ancestor, who has thrown the irreversible arrow of time into the material world like a spear. By following the scenography created by the Ancestor’s footprints, one can attempt to find some comfort or shelter. However, one is likely to end up with an empty basket.

This exhibition is organized as part of the "ACADEMIA" award that Kristīne Daukšte received in 2021. The award was established in 2021 through the collaboration of the Art Academy of Latvia, the Helen Scott Lidgett Studio Award, and ACME for professional career development, providing residency opportunities in London and Riga. In the final stage of the award—the opportunity to create an exhibition at the "Pilot" gallery—Daukšte invited Liene Rumpe as a partner, combining their artistic interests: her scenographic vision and Rumpe's narrative approach.

Kristīne Daukšte earned a Bachelor's degree in scenography and a Master's degree in painting from the Art Academy of Latvia in 2021, and she is the laureate of the ACADEMIA award 2021/22 and the Helen Scott Lidgett award 2021/22. Daukšte aims to create suggestive environments and bodies of work that support reflection on our own connections to actual theoretical layers within objects, space and body.  Her work emphasizes the importance of spatial and bodily awareness to suggest active, not linear participatively observing, active, as an unfocused peripheral experience.

Liene Rumpe is a painter and installation artist, who graduated from the Art Academy of Latvia in 2022 with a Master's degree in Painting. For her Master’s installation she received BDO Young Artist Award (2022). Actively participates in exhibitions, projects and is one of the artist’s run spaces - DOM Gallery -  co-founders. Her artworks are characterized by configuring archetypal ideas in new contexts and forms, creating conceptual characters, and drawing inspiration from geopolitical events, pop culture, and the early digital age.

Exhibition Title: "The Noisy Case in a Misguiding Direction"
Artists: Kristīne Daukšte un Liene Rumpe 
Duration: August 15th - October 12th 2024
Open hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 12:00PM–18:00PM
Place: LMA Art Space "Pilot", Riharda Vāgnera Street 3, Riga, Latvia 
Opening: August 15th, 19:00
Free entrance

Exhibition supported by Art Academy of Latvia, KRASO SIA, Malduguns, SIA Roadeks
Special thanks to Egija Laura Preise, Liene Dobičina, Jānis Garklāvs, Līga Goldberga, Ainārs Kamoliņš, Gints Cirvelis, Krists Kondrāts, Ilona Daukšte, Juris Robežs, Abz Ibrahim.