

On August 15 at 17.00, the Art Academy of Latvia (AAL), in cooperation with the Centre of Contemporary Art "Znaki Czasu" in Toruń (Poland), will open an international contemporary art exhibition: "Serenissima East". Spectators are invited to view the works of artists from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in the Great Hall of the Art Academy of Latvia from August 16 to September 13, 2024.

The exhibition "Serenissima East" symbolizes historical events and people's fierce struggle for ideals and independence. This semantic connection brings together art and freedom of self-expression in personal, national, and global contexts, establishing a bridge between the past and the present.

"Serenissima East" embodies the idea of ​​"La Serenissima" and "Serenissima Res Publica Poloniae", serving as a reminder of our shared history. In the 18th century, we were one powerful state, which over the centuries experienced continuous changes — disappearing from the world maps, gaining the right to national self-determination and sovereignty in 1918, later the occupation by the Soviet Union, then the collapse of the USSR and the second regaining of independence, and finally reuniting as part of the European Union family in 2004.

The exhibition will feature works by more than 20 artists. Polish artists include the dynamic abstract painter Tomasz Ciecierski and the Op Art style artist Wojciech Fangor (1922–2015), as well as Krzysztof Wodiczko and Jan Dobkowski who use art as a platform for social and political commentary, employing electronic projection and animation techniques.

Estonian artists, such as Kaido Ole with his large-format paintings, in which the artist reacts ironically and critically to what is happening in society, thus exploring human roles and identities today, and Marko Mäetamm with his self-ironic narratives, which combine graphics and storytelling, approaching familiar topics from an unusual point of view.

Latvia will be represented at the exhibition by Kristaps Zariņš's provocative and bright paintings, which are considered an introductory lecture in the history of art with the author's self-reflection on the works of world-renowned artists; the sculptor Gļebs Panteļejevs's objects, focusing on the symbiosis of material and form. Jānis Murovskis and Guntars Sietiņš are recognized for their experimental and unique approach to graphics, while Andris Vītoliņš offers decoratively vibrant painting installations that align with the dynamic 21st century.

Among Lithuanian artists, we will see the works of Eglė Ganda Bogdaniene and Egle Ridikaite, who address feminist issues in art, and the pieces of Dainius Liškevičius, Kestutis Zapkus, and Jonas Gasiunas that use abstractionism and expressionism to lead viewers to deep emotional reflections.

Artists of the "Serenissima East" exhibition:

Poland: Tomasz Ciecierski, Jan Dobkowski, Wojciech Fangor, Piotr Dumała, Andrzej Jerzy Lech, Józef Robakowski, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Eugeniusz Minciel;
Latvia: Kristaps Zariņš, Andris Vītoliņš, Gļebs Panteļejevs, Jānis Murovskis, Guntars Sietiņš;
Estonia: Marko Mäetamm, Kaido Ole;
Lithuania: Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė, Gintautas Trimakas, Jonas Motiejus Meškauskas, Eglė Ridikaitė, Remigijus Treigys, Kęstutis Zapkus, Dainius Liškevičius, Jonas Gasiūnas, Neringa Naujokaitė, Alvydas Lukys, Patricija Gilytė.

Exhibition opening hours:
August 16 – September 13, 2024;
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:10.00 –18.00. Break: 14.30 –15.00.
The Great Hall of the Art Academy of Latvia,
13 Kalpaka Boulevard, Riga.
Free entrance.

The Centre of Contemporary Art "Znaki Czasu" in Toruń, which opened in 2008, is one of the newest spaces dedicated entirely to the contemporary art scene in Poland. The art center actively promotes the circulation of contemporary art locally and internationally, providing a diverse program and international collaboration, including expanding educational activities.

The curator of the "Serenissima East" project is Krzysztof Stanisławski.
The national curators and coordinators are Inese Rozentāle (Latvia) and Arvydas Zalpys (Lithuania).

The exhibition is produced with the support of the Embassy of Poland in Latvia.