Stanislav Libensky Award
Prāgas čehu stikla galerija izsludina starptautisku konkursu stikla mākslas
apakšnozares pēdējo kursu studentiem - Stanislav Libensky Award.
Lūdzu interesentus pieteikties līdz šī gada 6.
Stanislav Libensky Award is a yearly announced award based on a competition related to this renowned artist and pedagogist.
Stanislav Libensky is rightly considered the most outstanding Czech glasswork artist and pedagogist, referring to the fact that his opus that he had created together with his wife Jaroslava Brychtova is nowadays presented in museums and galleries all over the world. Besides his work, he was teaching at Arts and Crafts College in Prague, he was a director and pedagogist at Glasswork College in Železný Brod where he also lived and worked for most of his life.
The competion is designated for art schools students allowing them to present this way their graduate glasswork theses worked out in arbitrary glasswork technique. A part of the competition is a catalogue and an exhibition of the works in Clam-Gallas Palace in Prague. The prizes will be handed-over to the winners along with a ceremony held on the 24th of September 2009.
The competition serves for presentation of young artists. The aim of the competition is to help developments of glassworks in the Czech republic.
The promoter of the competiton is Prague Gallery of the Czech glass - PGČS, o.p.s. whose vision is to deepen a good relationship to glass, enliven a passion for art glassworks and thus help creating the Czech perfection - „Czech Excellence" - at glasswork arts.
PGČS´mission that is focused on past, present and future is to establish an informational and presentation center of the world´s glasswork arts in Middle Europe. The goal of Prague Gallery is to enhance Prague to the position of glasswork arts capital in Middle Europe and to become a center for presentation of art glass and innovations of glasswork techniques.
Conditions of the Competion
1. The competitor is obliged to fill in and sign the application form correctly, send it or bring personally on the address of Pražská galerie českého skla, o. p. s., Bartoškova 26, Prague 4, 140 00 on the 6th of July at the latest. A postal stamp is crucial for the deadline.
2. The application must contain the following data: name and surname, name of the work, work technique, size of the work, name of the school, specialization, grade and list of enclosures. The work will be presented by exposing it physically, eventually by a photography or on a informational panel 70x100cm large. Each presentation must be also delivered in electronic media (CD) or, at least, must be transferable into an electronic form of 300 DPI quality for the purpose of creating a catalogue.
3. The prizes will be awarded by seven-member jury.
4. The authors are due to lend their works for the purpose of vernissage and the subsequent exposition if the shape of the works and other circumstances will allow it. The organizators will take care of presentation of the works, including their transport and insurance in such a way, so that the vernissage could take place in time of the Award ceremonial evening on the 24th of September 2009. The place of the vernissage and subsequent exhibition is Clam-Gallas Palace, Husova20, Prague 1 at Each of the authors will get five free invitation cards and two pieces of catalogue.
5.Along with Stanislav Libensky Ceremonial evening the first three prizes will be announced. The winner will be rewarded with three-week summer residency in Pilchuck Glass School in 2010, the air-ticket and allowance of 200 dollars included. The partial changes are warranted, the prizes can not be monetary.
Pražská galerie českého skla, o.p.s., Bartoškova 26, 140 00 Praha 4
Prague Gallery of Czech glass, o. p. s.
Tel.:+420 272101121, fax:+420 272101120, email:info(abols)