Balvu organizē - IIID - The International Institute for Information Design
Starptautiskais informācijas dizaina institūts (IIID) ir globāls tīkls, kas strādā, lai padarītu informāciju skaidrāku ikdienas lietošanai, uzņēmējdarbībai, izglītībai un zinātnei. IIID balva notiek reizi trijos gados.
IIID balvas 2020 laika grafiks
- Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš 18/03/2020
- Žūrijas sanāksme 27-28/03/2020
- Uzvarētāju paziņošana 31/03/2020
Darbu iesniegšanas izmaksas
- 80, - EUR IIID biedri;
- 120, - EUR profesionāļiem;
- 30, - EUR studentiem.
Uzmanību - tikai līdz 2020. gada februāra beigām ir iespējams iesniegt divus dizaina projektus par vienu summu.
Plašāka informācija: šeit
Kontaktpersona: martin.foessleitner@iiid.net
Dizaina projektus iespējams iesniegt 15 kategorijās, informācija sekos angļu valodā:
Information design that makes physical, social and mental well-being possible.
Submissions should focus on issues such as economics, personal financial management, banking and investments.
Navigation in unfamiliar environments.
Traffic and Public Transport
Ensuring people reach their destination by foot, underground, bike, car, bus, aeroplane, boat...
Social Affairs
Projects that have a positive, tangible, impact on a specific population.
Emergency / Safety
Identifying and communicating hazards, information about avoiding dangerous situations and awareness of consequences.
Corporate Design and Communications
Helping companies/businesses to fully express themselves and communicate what they have to offer.
Projects that focus on educational or instructional information design.
Products and Services
Projects that help make products and services accessible, understandable and beneficial for the users.
Submission related to media, journalism and writing.
Universal Design
Information design that create an inclusive environment.
Future Concepts
New and innovative projects. Something that makes us wish we had thought of it first!
Methods and tools for information design.
Focused on the relevance of ecological issues and impact on natural resources as well as „green“ design practices for information design.
Student Work
Open to those who are studying to be information designers with no restriction on the theme of the submission.