Dizaina konkurss
Eiropas Radošuma un Inovācijas gada ietvaros Eiropas Ekonomikas un Sociālā Komiteja izsludina dizaina konkursu, lai radītu un ražotu inovatīvu un ilgtspējīgu dizaina produktu, kuram būtu spēcīgs sociāls vēstījums.
The EESC, in cooperation with the Belgian design organisation Designed
in Brussels is now launching
EESC Design ZeroNine in all 27 EU Member States.
The purpose is to create an innovative design product with packaging for
a modern, mobile and international audience, which will be officially
adopted by the EESC as a promotional gift for its President,
Vice-Presidents and Members to be used during official visits and on
other selected occasions. The winning design will be produced in a
limited edition in 2010 in the EU as part of the EESC′s communication
We look forward to receiving entries from professional designers but
also schools and design students, either as individuals or teams, who
are born or resident in one of the 27 European Union Member States. No
entry fee is required!