International Scientific Conference of the Art Academy of Latvia, May 29–30, 2025
Invitation to Participate
The Art Academy of Latvia invites researchers from the exact sciences, social sciences, and humanities to delve into the exploration of the constructs that drive the creative process. The aim of the 2025 international conference, Myth – Archetype – Prototype and its (Re)interpretation, is to encourage an in-depth examination of these constructs in various cultural periods and across the realms of material and spiritual culture, as their forms and content evolve. The inheritance and use of these constructs are always connected to creative adaptation, which ensures their evolution.
Conference Themes
- Archetypes and their Influence on Creative Processes
- The Role of Prototypes in Art and Design
- The Reinterpretation of Myths and Cultural Symbols
- Postmodernism and the Citation of Traditions
- Visual Culture and the Information Revolution
- Charles Jencks and Postmodernist Architecture
In his 1977 book Language of Post-Modern Architecture, Charles Jencks discussed the "death" of modern architecture and justified the incorporation of past century quotations in postmodern architecture. However, this idea was not new. Since the second half of the 15th century, the influence of images in printed books on material culture has been so immense that it has affected every sphere of life. Visualization promoted the development of the form-giving process of the material world, encompassing science, religion, art, and design. Printed patterns became sources of imitation and inspiration for architects, as well as masters of visual and applied arts, retaining their significance to this day.
Design Impact Understanding Section
One of the thematic sections of the conference will be devoted to the understanding and evaluation of the impact of design. We invite participants to explore the role of design not only in business but also in solving environmental, social, and political issues. Papers are encouraged to explore new methods and approaches to understanding design impact, including:
- Design’s Impact on Well-being and Health
- Design and Social Inclusion
- Design’s Role in Environmental and Climate Contexts
- Design and Innovation
Submission of Proposals
- Proposals for papers (up to 400 words) should be submitted by March 17, 2025.
- Contact: Krista Petrauska, Assistant to the Doctoral Program, Art Academy of Latvia (
Conference Details
Dates: May 29–30, 2025
Location: Art Academy of Latvia, Kalpaka Boulevard 13, Riga, Latvia
Languages: Latvian and English
Conference Organizers
Ph.D. Agita Gritāne, Vice-Rector, Art Academy of Latvia (
Dr. habil. art. Ojārs Spārītis, Director of the Scientific Doctoral Program (
Dr. art. Andris Teikmanis, Director of the Professional Doctoral Program (
Ph.D. Liene Jākobsone, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Art, Design, and Architecture (
Ph.D. Pınar Kaygan senior researcher of the Institute of Contemporary Art, Design, and Architecture (
Conference Publication
Following the conference, an internationally reviewed collection of conference papers will be published.
Conference Support
The conference is organized within the framework of the project Cultural and Creative Ecosystem of Latvia as a Resource of Resilience and Sustainability / CERS (No. VPP-MM-LKRVA-2023/1-0001), funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia in the framework of the State Research Programme Latvian Culture – a Resource for National Development (2023–2026). The State Research Programme is administered by the Latvian Council of Science.
Conference supporter: Signet Bank.