

Celebrating its third anniversary, the Art Academy of Latvia experimental art space PILOT hosts the exhibition THREE, opening at 18.00 on August 30. The creative team of the art space invites everyone to celebrate the creation of art and take part in blending the past and the present, forming a symbolic succession bridge within art.

The exhibition is dedicated to the Art Academy of Latvia, its faculty and students, highlighting the significance of creative freedom and art education both in a historical perspective and in our  times of anxiety.

The exhibition features the graduation work of the distinguished masters Ilmārs Blumbergs (1943 – 2016), Imants Vecozols (1933) and Boriss Bērziņš (1930 – 2002), created between 1959 and 1972, providing insights into the art tendencies of the time. The current generation of LMA faculty is represented by three women in art – Amanda Ziemele (1990), Līga Spunde (1990) and Maija Kurševa (1981), veritable forces in the contemporary art scene and fundamental contributors to the skill and knowledge development of young artists in their educational work, advancing the inheritance of experiences within the art field.

The central idea and source of inspiration for the exhibition is the methodological resource collection at the Art Academy of Latvia. It dates back to the 1940s and currently holds hundreds of study work by renowned and beloved artists. Some of the exhibits in the collection represent the pre-war and German occupation periods, however, most of the titles were collected during Soviet time, now providing a great opportunity to reacquaint ourselves with the stylistic features,   the scope and the political complications of the time, as well as reassess them. 

The title of the exhibition not only acknowledges the current lifespan of the gallery, a springboard for many young artists, but also refers to the symbolic three works by distinguished masters and three young women in art, encouraging to continue the cycle that the chosen ones go through – or, rather, the existentially sensitive ones who have decided to devote themselves to art.

Over the course of these three years PILOT art space has firmly established itself in the Latvian art scene, becoming an important platform for creative collaboration between students, graduates and faculty members both on a local and international level.

Opening hours:
30/08/2023 – 21/10/2023
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 12:00 – 18:00
Location: 3 Riharda Vāgnera Street, Riga
Free entrance