Dr. art. Vija Strupule
Position: researcher
Degree: PhD in art history (Dr. art.)
E-mail: vija.strupule(abols)gmail.com">vija.strupule@gmail.com
Working at the Institute of Art History since 2022. / Architectural and artistic researcher, art historian at Architectural Investigation Group Ltd since 1996. / Certified senior restorer in the field of architectural and artistic research.
Research interests: interior polychromy and paintings in Latvia (13th to 20th century), architectural research of Latvia’s historical buildings.
Education: Emīls Dārziņš Special Secondary Music School (1974–1978), Art History Department of the Art Academy of Latvia (diploma work “Sculpture of Small Dimensions in Latvia”, 1984), Faculty of Architectural Monument Protection, Restoration and Management at People’s University (1984–1986), Art History Department of the Art Academy of Latvia (MA diss. “Painted interiors of Riga burghers’ houses in the 16th–18th centuries”, 2003; PhD diss. “Decorative painting in Riga’s interiors. 16th century – third quarter of the 18th century”, 2016).